Monday, April 7, 2008

Going back to the start

SO it's either that I have nothing to do or too much that I procrastinate and put it aside, that I'm back here again...i would like to believe the former but then I would just be fooling myself. Sometimes I wonder how life would be if all I did was sit at home, cook extensive lavish indian meals, brew tea for the elders only about 8 times a day, clean every nook and cranny in the home and just looked pretty for the rest of the 18 hours that I would then be left with. Not having to touch a single book or memorize any more formulas. And even better, how awesome would it be not to want to check your email (+orkut + facebook) every 20 minutes. These thoughts often times crosses my mind when I come for the weekends and look at my granny and mom racing their weekends away in chores surrounding the stove and sink. Alright, well the entire home as well. But I mean would you be able to wake up every morning and just plan out your day on what meals need to be cooked at which hour and how many loads of laundry need to be done before sunset. I would love to do that if it was just for the weekend...but every weekend for the rest of your lifetime? And it is exactly at this point that I give myself a shake and should finish the rest of those applications and start article searching again once again. Yet I go with this disbelief that, 'that weekend' will surely arrive ...lets just hope this arrival time is much later than anytime soon!

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