Monday, June 1, 2009

Blueishly Bright

Some days are just bluer than blue. It doesn't need to be a Monday or a Wednesday. They are just blue. The point where you are just about to fall down, your clothes ripped, your eyes tearless, you lips shriveled up and your mind dismantled.. your knees slowly caving into the intensity and just about to give in to the burden.. and then you fall. Flat down, the crusty ground shaving the sides of your cheek, your throat getting more dry with every lifeless breath. Something like a blue day.

On days like this, you cry, you mope, you release everything that has made you upset in that moment to make space for the better. You scream, you hate, you whine to the people that love you and they give you back the power to love again. Love yourself, love every moment that passes, love life.

And then the cherry on the ice-cream is when someone says this to you..
Life is like a wave function, crests and troughs occur. And when we start interacting with others, interference occurs. Some remains constructive, other times may be destructive, changing the function. Entropy may increase as per the law but at the same time, we go through times, through crazy reactions to come to the most stable products, which may be the real ourselves.

All the blue is gone. All the brights are back. It happens. You need to topple over every so often to see a better view from the bottom of the sky up high.